Location Balatonfüred, Blaha Lujza utca 4.
Investor Pille-Gastro Kft.
Floor area 1900 m2
General designer MCXVI Architects
Leading architect designer László Herczeg
Project architect Kata Csaba
Architect designers Paál Zsófia, Kocsik Eszter, Racskó Anna
Landscape architect Massány Edina
Structure engineer Harsányi Csaba
Mechanical engineer Komáromi Dániel
Electrical engineer Sándor Dávid
Fire Protection Bendegúz Csuba
Car Lift Designer Jenő Koltai
Transportation Planner Zoltán Takács
Elevator Designer Zsolt Makovszky
Kitchen Technology Piroska Kaszab
Rehabilitation Designer Anna Kormányos
Soil Mechanics György Kovalóczy
Building Diagnostics Ferenc Barta
Status under construction
Project year 2022-2023

During the design process, we explored the possibility of transforming the building section constructed in the 1960s in a Socialist Realist style. However, its rigid structure, with a central corridor and column-supported layout, made modern functionality difficult. Additionally, basement parking could not be accommodated by simply developing the existing courtyard. Therefore, this part will be demolished and replaced with a new building.

A parking garage will be built under the entire courtyard, accessible via a car lift from Csokonai utca. Above it, a greenroof garden with greenery, water features, and varied terrain will be created. The new extension will be a two-story structure with a mezzanine under the roof, housing nine apartments with different layouts and sizes. The building will have its own circulation core, while a semi-open covered passage will connect the villa and the new apartment-hotel.

The villa’s main spaces will include a salon, a dining hall serving the entire complex, and a small guesthouse. A new staircase will be added, following the original vaulted space. The villa’s basement will house a wine vault, accessible from the apartment-hotel. The full heritage restoration of the Blaha Villa is also planned.