Location Székesfehérvár
Investor Municipality of Székesfehérvár
Floor area 20 000 m2
General planning Székesfehérváry Városfejlesztési Kft.
Lead Architects Mihály Balázs DLA, Tamás Attila Tarnóczky
Architect designers Mónika Bordás, Balázs Falvai, Márton Nagy, Tibor Tánczos, Dávid Török, Építészkohó Kft., DMB műterem
General interior designer MCXVI Architects
Leading interior designer Gábor Szokolyai
Project manager interior designer Gábor Hajdu
Interior designers Júlia Hegymegi, Katalin Imre, Anna Szuhányi-Nagy, Dávid Kálna, Balázs Falvai, Dávid Török, Bettina Ónodi, Angéla Soltész
Graphic design Ákos Polgárdi, Ágnes Rubik
Photos György Palkó, Gábor Szokolyai
Status interior consturction plan
Contractor Market Építő Zrt.
Project year 2017-2019, 2022-2024

The essence of architecture is space creation; in this way, a sharp distinction cannot be drawn between architecture and interior design. We prefer to talk about the architecture of interior spaces rather than specifically interior design.

The fundamental architectural concept of the Alba Arena, with its object-like compactness, naturally offered the consistent realization of these principles in the design process.

Generally, covered sports arenas are closed “boxes” where natural light cannot enter. This is justified by the requirements of sports technology and the technical expectations of TV broadcasting. The strict separation of athlete, audience, media, and VIP zones often makes the building closed and difficult to comprehend for visitors. Fortunately, in our case, we managed to make the interior spaces transparent and easily interpretable. There is a direct visual connection between the different interior spaces as well as between the exterior and interior.

We showcase the structural walls and columns in their materiality. We avoided self-serving, purely decorative surface coverings. Thus, the building’s static system is also easily readable. In such a type of public building, which expects a relatively large number of visitors, clear and efficient orientation is not only important but a fundamental requirement. Infographic elements play a prominent role in this, to the extent that they become the main characters of the interior spaces, not only functionally but also in visual character.