Location IXth district, Budapest, Üllői Road
Investor BMSK Ltd
Client KÖZTI Ltd
Floor area 50 000 m2
General designer Közti Ltd
Leading architect designer György Skardelli
Leading interior designers Gábor Szokolyai Schwendtner, Gábor Hajdu
Interior designers Anna Szuhányi, Bence Czirják, Anna Pásztor, Gergely Galántai, Janka Kérdy, Fruzsina Mezei
Interior designer colleagues Zsuzsanna Gyetvai, Janka Gulyás, Gellért Nyitrai, Petra Szabó
Infographics Graphasel
Pictures Tamás Bujnovszky, György Palkó, Attila Gulyás
Mood video Milán Rácmolnár
Contractor Market Építő Ltd
Status Completed
Project year 2021

The name of the project “Multifunctional Hall”, expresses the foundation of the design’s program. It is essential to meet the needs of various events, both in terms of space design, technical and interior design, from sports to concerts. In the basic concept of interior design, this wide-ranging inclusive character was the determining factor. The idea for the facade was inspired by the aesthetics of the muscle fiber, the muscle brand. Unfolding this motif, thinking it further appears in the interiors, sometimes as organic wall graphics, sometimes as parametric custom furniture, as the edited lamp raster, or in the light sculpture of the entrance foyer.



BIG SEE Interior Design Award – 2024